Good Luck Mini Tortoise
Two hands filled with good luck mini animals

Tortoise Good Luck Mini

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Tortoises are members of the turtle clan who spend most of their time primarily on land. Some tortoises are among the longest living animals and can live to over 150 years old!

  • Tortoises are turtles that spend most of their time on dry land, rather than in or near water like terrapins or sea turtles. They usually have high-backed shells and large thick limbs. As the popular fable “The Tortoise and the Hare” depicts, many tortoises are quite slow-moving. They are also quite slow aging, and have one of the longest lifespans of any vertebrate.
  • In reality, tortoises can grow quite large, but these hand-painted, highly detailed miniature tortoises will stay tiny forever! A great choice for party favors or event giveaways.

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