Rabbit Good Luck Mini
Rabbit Good Luck Mini

Rabbit Good Luck Mini

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Best known for their prodigious breeding habits, Rabbits range from Canada to South America, and from the Atlantic coast through the Great Plains. The herbivores are so widespread because they eat a varied diet and live in a variety of settings.

  • Rabbits breed, well, like rabbits. They have 3 or 4 litters of kits each year, and each litter may contain 3 to 8 baby rabbits. They’re not trying to take over the world; they’re just trying to make up for low survival rates, as only about 15% of baby bunnies make it to adulthood, and Rabbits live three years or less in the wild.
  • These cute little bunnies look friendly and curious with their ears perked up. Add them to the decorations at a spring or Easter party, use them in a forest animal school project or diorama, or give them as gifts or prizes in classrooms.

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